Amazing Nebosh Rate @ Karaikal +91 9843850157


The NEBOSH International General Certificate has been designed to provide an appropriate breadth of underpinning knowledge for non-specialists in occupational health and safety to enable them to discharge more effectively their organisational duties or functions with respect to workplace health and safety.

The Certificate has been designed for Managers, Senior Engineers, Safety Professionals and others who require a fundamental knowledge and understanding of health and safety principles and practices. Candidates are likely to be employees of organisations already working to international standards but needing to adapt these to accord with local needs and practice


Management of Health & Safety

Element 1 : Foundations In Health And Safety
Element 2 : Setting Policy For Health And Safety
Element 3 : Organising For Health And Safety
Element 4 : Promoting A Positive Health And Safety Culture
Element 5 : Health And Safety Risk Assessment
Element 6 : Principles Of Control In Health And Safety
Element 7 : Monitoring, Review And Audit Of Health And Safety Performance
Element 8 : Investigation, Recording And Reporting Of Health And Safety Incidents
Controlling Workplace Hazards

Element 1 : Movement Of People And Vehicles – Hazards And Control
Element 2 : Manual And Mechanical Handling Hazards And Control
Element 3 : Work Equipment Hazards And Control
Element 4 : Electrical Hazards And Control
Element 5 : Fire Hazards & Control
Element 6 : Chemical And Biological Health Hazards And Control
Element 7 : Physical And Psychological Health Hazards And Control
Element 8 : Construction Activities – Hazards And Control
Health & Safety Practical Application

Practical Assessment & Report Preparation

Two volumes of extensively referenced course material


IGC 1 – Management of Health & Safety & IGC 2 – Controlling Workplace Hazards – 2 Hours

IGC 3 – Health & Safety Practical Application – Hazard Identification –40 minutes, Management Report -60 minutes


On successful completion of the course, delegates are awarded the International General Certificate from NEBOSH – UK.


Assignments will be given to the candidate for various units and candidates are supposed to submit their assignments on time

Course Fee: 45,000 INR per candidates (30% payment on registration)
Fees includes only 1 set of exam registration with NEBOSH (Each Unit/Paper one time only)

Come and join for Nebosh course in Pondicherry during the month of DEC-NEBOSH (Karaikal) Pondicherry to make use of our great offers and discounted rates!!!

For further details please



Green World Management Consultants & Training Institute
GWG Education Center – India
#17, Paragara Street, First Floor
Karaikal – 609602
Pondicherry UT
Tel: +91 – 4368 220046
Mob: +91-9843850157
Website:,                                                                               Posted on:09/09/2011

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