There are many NEBOSH accredited training providers in the world at the moment and the most important question that any candidate or participant should ask is not how fancy the website is but are you comfortable with this training center and the trainers? We at Green World Group LLC strive to help our candidates in their en-devour to be the best that they can be. Answering questions in an honest manner. Whether you are our customer in the past, currently or the future, please remember that we are all here as collegues and practioners.
The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety is a globally recognized qualification from the United Kingdom.
Who does it benefit?
It is for managers, supervisors or employees with health and safety duties who require a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety principles and practices.
This certification is also suitable for persons who are seeking to establish a career in health and safety.
Graduates are able to successfully carry out their workplace health and safety duties internationally, and in any industry, since this qualification covers international standards and management systems.
Participants for these courses have ranged from Safety Professionals, HSE experts, SHE Specialist, from Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Philipines, India,Middle east, Africa, Indonesia and even China. These candidates have understood the value of NEBOSH and its qualifications. They not just needed NEBOSH for jobs but for the knowledge and prestige.
Course Content
This qualification is divided into three units (IGC 1, IGC 2 and IGC 3), each of which is individually assessed.
Each of the two units IGC 1 and IGC 2 will comprise a number of elements:
Join NEBOSH IGC @ NEW DELHI At lowest cost affordable to candidate when compared with other providers in India!
- Quality Class Training
- International HSE Course Standards
- Exceptional Pass Rates
- Free E-learning Accessf
- Lowest Fees Compared to Other Institute with Lots of Benefit & Features
Click to know the next NEBOSH batch date
Unit IGC1 – Management of international health and safety
- Foundations in health & safety
- Policy
- Organising for health & safety
- Promoting a positive health & safety culture
- Risk assessment
- Principles of control
- Monitoring; review and audit
- Occupational incident and accident investigation, recording and reporting
Unit IGC2 – Control of international workplace hazards
- Movement of people and vehicles – hazards and control
- Manual and mechanical handling – hazards and control
- Working equipment hazards and control
- Electrical hazards and control
- Fire hazards and control
- Chemical and biological health hazards and control
- Physical and psychological health hazards and control
- Construction activities – hazards and control
Unit IGC3 – International health and safety practical application
- Assess a candidate’s ability to conduct a safety inspection of a workplace and identify its hazards.
- After identification of the hazards, prepare a report to management to convince them to take appropriate remedial actions to rectify the hazards.
Unit Assessment (Exam)
Units IGC1, IGC2 and IGC3 are each assessed by a 2-hour examination. All questions are compulsory. To be awarded the certificate from NEBOSH UK, candidates must successfully complete (pass) all these Units.
Further Recognition
The International General Certificate qualification meets the academic requirements for Technician Membership (Tech IOSH) of Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and Associate membership (AIIRSM) of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM). Membership is subject to meeting Tech IOSH and IIRSM requirements.
Prior registration is required to confirm your participation as there are only limited seats. For confirmation send us the following:
· Duly filled in application form
· Id proof (passport photo copy)
· Part payment Rs. 51,999/-
Remaining amount should be paid at the first day of training. Nebosh IGC brochure is attached with relevant information for your perusal.
On successful completion of written exam (IGC1 and IGC 2 – 45% and above) and a practical assessment (IGC 3 above 60%) certificate will be issued by NEBOSH (U.K) in 12 weeks from the date of examination.
Click the blow link for Nebosh Course syllabus:-
Click the blow link for IOSH Managing Safely course syllabus:-
Our Popular Courses

Nebosh IGC
Nebosh International General Certificate is a job-oriented level-3 certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Management Course

Nebosh IDIP
NEBOSH International Diploma is the highest level certification in HSE management (level-6) helps for students aspiring to become health and safety experts

Safety Diploma
National Safety Diploma Certificate is approved by Government of India, this Certificate holder can apply for job globally

IOSH Courses
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health offering professional qualifications to students and working professionals

OSHA Training
Occupational Safety and Health to deliver appropriate safety officer training to supervisors, employers & workers who face hazards on the workplace

ISO Lead Auditor
ISO Lead Auditor course is to provide adequate knowledge of Quality Management System to conduct and report a audit of an organization
For more Details contact:
can you send me your delhi time table in sept.
Dear Mr. Akhlakur Rahman,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh Training coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
I have already completed my International certificate NEBOSH course in Dubai. I want to study further in this field. Are there any bundle courses offered by your organisation? any what is the venue and the cost. As This is for my own personal development so my company will not cover.
I am currently working with Emirates Airlines in Dubai but am flexible with schedules.
Awaiting your early response…… Thanks!
Zubin Mullanfiroze
Group Safety Support Officer.
Dear Mr.Zubin Mullanfiroze,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Course Coordinator will contact you soon with full details
+91 9843850157
I need your help for complete Nebosh course but i will pay your fee
Hi Mohammed Tanmir,
Thanks for the enquiry. You can contact in this number. Mobile: +91 9566944184.
Green World Group
I have finished my OSH Cert at Niosh in malysia… that same…?
Dear Mr.Magentiran,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
Dear Sir,
I would like to do NEBOSH Safety Officer, Occupational Health & Safety course, please provide me details with duration and fees together.
Mobile No. 09764703497
Dear Mr.Salim,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
Dear Sir,
I would like to do NEBOSH Safety Officer, Occupational Health & Safety course, please provide me details with duration, which locations conducted and fees together.
Mobile No. 09764703497
Dear Mr.Salim Shaikh,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
I would like to combo offer course like nebosh+osha+isoh, so how much cost is that and it is in pune as well as do you have placement services also.
Please clarify my querries,await to hear from you soon.
Dear Mr.Raju Tirwadi,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC Course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
I am a student of Occupational Health and Safety at the University of Mauritius. I have come across a handout on Fire Hazards and Control on the net. It is very interesting and it is helping me for my revisions. Thanks for that. I would like to have a help from you. There a many interesting questions in the handout and it is said in the handout that suggested answers are at the end of Unit IGC2 but I could not find them.
So can you please send me the model answers or give me the link from where I can find it. This will be very helpful for me.
I thank you a lot and hope to have a positive reply from you.
Gokool Rakesh
Dear Mr.Gokool Rakesh,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 9843850157
Sir, I want to complete the Nebosh full course from your organization. I am Bangladeshi. Would you like to send me the procedure and cost of the course? please send me as early as possible time.
Atikur Rahman,
phone: +8801673142198
Dear Mr.Atikur Rahman,
Greeting from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course coordinator will contact you with full details.
+91 984385015
I had like to do nebosh through your organization so please provide me the guidelines for doing so and also the place, fee structure etc
please let me know the total fees for the diploma
Dear Sunita Vohra .
Greeting from GWG!!!
ADOSHEM course coordinator will contact you with full details.
Training Coordinator
+91 8098043413
Dear sir,
Could you tell me, what is the fees structure ,course duration and eligible criteria for nebosh ( IGC).At present i am working in offshore as a R/O and like to do Nebosh safety course which are valid for onshore or offshore.
Please send me details on my email id.
Dear Raman Pal .
Greeting from GWG!!!
NEBOSH course coordinator will contact you with full details.
Training Coordinator
+91 8098043413
Dear Sir,
We’ve visited your web site and we would like to run some safety courses , if you are interested to deal directly with us please let us know your feedback on this Email ( )so we can arrange the way of Co operations with you.
We look forward to hearing from you with your comments.
Dear Mr. Moad,
Greetings from GWG!!!
The concerned co-ordinator will revert on this shortly.
Prabavathy Boopathy,
+91 8098498158
dear sir,
i m student of engg. wit brach fire tech and safety engg. wanna know is these course running now a day,s .
sandeep pratap singh
Dear Mr. Sandeep,
Greetings from GWG!!!
Nebosh IGC course co-ordinator will revert on this at the earliest.
Prabavathy Boopathy,
+91 8098498158
Dear Sir,
I would like to do NEBOSH Safety Officer, Occupational Health & Safety course, please provide me details with duration, which locations conducted and fees together.
Hi Mohammad Naseem,
Thanks for your enquiry. Our Marketing executive will contact you soon.
Green World Group.
Hi, I am working as a HES Specialist in Chevron Bangladesh. Do you have any plan to arrange training session in Bangladesh or kolkata? Can you please let me know about the total cost.
Sanjoy Chowdhury
Hi Sanjoy,
Thanks for the enquiry. Our Product Specialist will contact you regarding this.
Green World Group
Kindly let me know the forthcoming course in jan/feb 2016
along with fees structure.
Thanks for contact us…we will send a mail shortly…
Hi, I am working as a Safety Officer in the PEB Steel Alliance Ltd, Bangladesh. Do you have any plan to arrange training session in Bangladesh or kolkata? Can you please let me know about the total cost.
Thanks for your enquiry.. we will send course details in shortly…
Explain about OSHA and nebosh course,which one is better for bright future.
Hi, i am in sales of ppe from 3 years. so please share eligibility details and duration of above course.
Thanks for your enquiry. we will contact you shortly…
Sir, I want to complete the Nebosh full course from your organization. I am Bangladeshi. Would you like to send me the procedure and cost of the course? please send me as early as possible time.
Thanks for your information. we will send course all details in a short period of time.